"Always and always facing towards the light"-
New Show Dates - 25th & 26th Oct 2018!
at 7:15pm - BOOK ALICE SEATS NOW AT THE CURVE for the october performances.
- The show that brings to life the story of the radical Alice Hawkins, mother of six, shoe machinist, and suffragette. ‘VOTES for WOMEN’ was her passion and she served time in Holloway and Leicester prison. She rubbed shoulders with the Pankhurst’s and set up the WSPU in Leicester.
- “I have a voice and I will use it!” is the
mantra of Alice
Hawkins, mother of six, shoe machinist, equal rights activist and suffragette.
Alice joined the band of many women in the fight for their right to
Arrested five times, served time in Holloway and Leicester. She rubbed shoulders with the Pankhurst’s and in 1907 set up the Women’s Social and Political Union in Leicester
Be part of the revolution and meet Alice at the Town Hall. A community of voices and brave soldiers of suffrage with banners in hand will lead the clarion call processing through the streets with heads held high singing loud the suffragette battle cry…
New Show Dates - 25th & 26th Oct 2018!