Gaiety, Splendour and Mirth exemplify all that is good,
perfect and true.
They have a secret... the secret to eternal
youth. This will be revealed live, on the 'Cuthbert Dan show'. The Three Graces will guide
and advise the nation on all aspects of beauty!
'The Three Graces' attempts to peel back the veneer and
puts the old adage to the test... Is real beauty only skin deep and can we grow old
gracefully, or must we all strive for youthful perfection to survive?
"Old age isn't real baby... you're as old as you feel baby. Keep young and beautiful if you
want to be loved".
Roman Scandals 1933
show was Supported by: Arts Council East Midlands, Creative Leicestershire,
Leicester City Council, Leicester Haymarket Theatre and Create.